

Stacey Lewis

When Stacey Lewis tried everything to lose weight, but still couldn’t because of her back pain and medications she was taking, she knew it was time to make a change.

“I had to get back to me,” she said.

When she was overweight, Stacey was less self confident. Every day was a struggle, and she was unhappy because she had not had issues with her weight before.

Stacey almost died in 2006 from asthmatic bronchitis pneumonia. She had asthma and sleep apnea and needed a CPAP machine to sleep through the night. She also had disc degenerative disease in her neck and back and dead bone in her knees which prevented her from exercising.

After a close call with death, Stacey prayed about what to do. After much prayer, she had no doubt the Lap Band® with Dr. Ferguson was the right choice for her.

Since her weight loss, Stacey no longer takes any medication for the conditions she previously experienced. She leads an active healthy lifestyle, plays on her company softball team, walks three miles and jogs one mile, and can play with her nieces and nephews and get back to enjoying life.

Stacey recommends this procedure to those who are considering it.

“Pray about it, then go for it,” she said. “Make sure it’s what you want to do. For health reasons, I would say it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself.”