Pre-Op Requirements

The insurance coordinator at your Emory Clark-Holder Clinic will collect and review your insurance benefits and surgery requirements. Once you are cleared as an appropriate surgical candidate, you are scheduled for routine and individualized pre-operative appointments as needed.

Routine pre-surgical consultations are scheduled and may include psychological evaluation, pre-op nutrition instruction, EKG, anesthesia work up and routine blood work. Your individualized appointment is made based on need such as for sleep study or specialty clearance.

Your pre-op surgical consultation, which occurs 10 to 14 days prior to surgery, will include a review of pre-op evaluations; a review of risks and benefits; a surgical prep; a hospital stay; post-op management of co-morbidities and medications; an assessment of your understanding of nutrition instructions; and a review of your written consent and opportunity for you to ask any further questions.

 Pre-Op Nutrition

Following a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet prior to bariatric surgery is essential. Doing so promotes liver shrinkage, which promotes a quicker, safer surgery for the patient. Below are some recipes that can help you achieve this goal.

Helpful Diet and Nutrition Before Surgery: